The Police Commissioner while advising them to shun bribery, charged them to work diligently and avoid cheating citizens.


 “A total of 161 police inspectors have been promoted by the police service commission through the recommendation of the acting inspector general of police.

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“We charged them to be hardworking and ready to face bandits and other criminal elements in their respective divisions.

“Very soon, we are going to post them out to responsible positions. Some of them we make them station officers in most of these villages that are bedeviled with banditry.

“In my policy when I reported to the command, I don’t want anybody to look for money to come and say they want to CP or any of my officers. It’s to do their work diligently and efficiently and they should not cheat any person or citizen where they are serving, anybody found wanting will be dealt with decisively,” he said.


He also advised families of the newly promoted officers not to expect too much from them as most of them will soon be retiring from service retire in a few years.

culled from Channels TV